Agile Cloud Institute

Cross-Functional Architecture And Tools For Cloud-Based Operating Models

Variable Mapping Syntax for the Agile Cloud Manager Domain Specific Language DSL

Variable mapping enables you to reuse templates more easily.

Variable mapping follows very specific rules that are easy to understand, and that can be applied in very specific locations within a system configuration template.

Basic Variable Mapping

The very simplest variable mapping is a string literal that you define in-place where the variable is declared as follows:

<variable-name>: any-string-can-be-a-value  

Dollar sign character $ at start of value indicates that a function will be called to fetch the value. There are many included functions as shown below.

You can also optionally add the name of the variable to the end of the line as shown below. If you do not add the name of the variable to the end of the line, then acm will infer that the variable name is the same inside the source as inside the destination.

For example, $keys implies that the variable has the same name inside keys,yaml as in the system template file, while $keys.variableName explicitly states to look for a variable named variableName within keys.yaml, even if that name is different than the name that the system config gives to the same variable.

The same concept applies to the other mappings given below.

External Configuration Sources

There are two external sources from which a system template can import values for specific fields in the system template.

These two external sources are keys.yaml and config.yaml. Secrets are generally imported from keys.yaml, while non-secret values are generally imported from config.yaml.

Within instances and within foundations, top-level fields can have their values sourced from config.yaml unless the field is named instanceName, controller, templateName, or emptyTemplateName.

Obviously, the controller, templateName, and emptyTemplateName fields must have values defined as strings within the system template for security reasons.

Preprocessor and Postprocessor also must be defined using strings in the system template only.

Also, instanceName must be given a string value in the system template. The reason is that the variable mapping rules below should provide sufficient ability to customize the names of underlying cloud resources to avoid conflicts, for example appending the organization name to instance names if necessary.

Summary of Variable Mapping Syntax Rules

The following table lists all the commands you can use to map values to variables within a system template.

Rules restrict where each of the commands can be used.

Do not assume that you can use these commands anywhere.

The rules for where each command can be used will be given separately later on in this document.

Syntax Description
String A simple string value.
$keys The value of a variable in keys.yaml with the same name as the variable that is requesting this value in the system template
$keys.variableName The value of a variable in keys.yaml whose name in keys.yaml is <variableName>
$config The value of a variable in config.yaml with the same name as the variable that is requesting this value in the system template
$config.variableName The value of a variable in config.yaml whose name in config.yaml is <variableName>
$this.foundaton The value of a field defined in the foundation block of the system template whose name is the same in the foundation block as in the location that is requesting it.
$ The value of a field defined in the foundation block of the system template whose name is <variableName> in the foundation block.
$this.instance The value of a field defined in the same instance block of the system template whose name is the same in the instance block as in the location that is requesting it.
$this.instance.variableName The value of a field defined in the same instance block of the system template whose name is <variableName> in the instance block.
$this.tags The value of a field defined in the tags block of the system template whose name is the same in the tags block as in the location that is requesting it.
$this.tags.variableName The value of a field defined in the tags block of the system template whose name is <variableName> in the tags block.
$this.foundationMapped The value of a field in the mappedVariables sub-block of the foundation block whose name is the same in the mappedVariables sub-block of the foundation block as in the location that is requesting it.
$this.foundationMapped.variableName The value of a field in the mappedVariables sub-block of a foundation block whose name is <variableName> in the mappedVariables sub-block of the foundation block.
$customFunction.foundationOutput The value of a field in the output variables of the basic building block that gets run when the acm foundation on command is run, and whose name is the same in the output variable as in the location that is requesting it.
$customFunction.sys:.foundationOutput This refers to a DIFFERENT system within the same appliance. This refers to the value of a field in the output variables of the basic building block that gets run when the acm foundation on command is run ON THE OTHER ( DIFFERENT ) SYSTEM, and whose name is the same in the output variable as in the location that is requesting it. IMPORTANT: Version 1.4 or higher is required to use this command, and only works with the cloudformation and ARM controllers for now. Version 1.3 only supports this command for the cloudformation controller.
$customFunction.sys:.foundationOutput.variableName This refers to a DIFFERENT system within the same appliance. This refers to the value of a field in the output variables of the basic building block that gets run when the acm foundation on command is run ON THE OTHER ( DIFFERENT ) SYSTEM, and whose name is <variableName> in the output variable. IMPORTANT: Version 1.4 or higher is required to use this command, and only works with the cloudformation and ARM controllers for now. Version 1.3 only supports this command for the cloudformation controller.
$customFunction.foundstionOutput.variableName The value of a field in the output variables of the basic building block that gets run when the acm foundation on command is run, and whose name is <variableName> in the output variable.
$customFunction.addPath Prepends the absolute path in front of a relative path string that the template gives as the value of a field named relativePathToResource. This requires that the instance in which this command is used must have a top-level field named relativePathToResource. This can only be used in mappedVariables sections in either a foundation, an image instance, or a service instance.
$customFunction.imageBuilderId Assembles an Azure imageBuilderId. This can ONLY be used within the mappedVariables subblock of an images subblock within a foundation of a system template that calls an ARM template to create an image. A working example of this is given in our demos.
$customFunction.currentDateTime Returns a string that represents the current dateTime.
$customFunction.mostRecentImage Returns the name of the most recently created image with the name given by a field named instanceName which you must include in the instance of the service type in order to use this function. The purpose of this command is to source the most recent image when instantiating a compute image. This command is ONLY supported for ARM templates and for CloudFormation. If you are using terraform, we recommend using Terraform’s internal syntax for this. Our working demos give examples of how to accomplish this for ARM templates, cloudformation, and terraform.
$customFunction.addOrganization.root Converts the value given by the system template’s organization field to lowercase and then appends that lowercase string to whatever string value was given in place of root in the command.
$customFunction.addDateTime.root Appends the current dateTime to whatever string value was given in place of root in the command, and then converts to lowercase.
$customFunction.imageTemplateName Assembles a suffix that includes “t” plus the current dateTime, and then appends that suffix to the value of the imageName field from the image instance block, and converts the result to lowercase. This creates a custom name for each image every time acm foundation on is run on a given system, with each name sortable by datetime of creation. This can currently ONLY be used within the mappedVariables subblock of an images subblock of a foundation block. We have also only tested this in cases where an ARM template is being used to create the image. See the working demo for an example of how this syntax is properly constructed to pass tests.

Locations For Variable Mapping

The locations where variable mapping is allowed include:

Only certain of the variable mapping syntax is allowed in each location for reasons that will become obvious as you begin to use system templates.

A discussion of which rules apply to each location is as follows:

Top-Level organization Field Mapping

The top-level organization field in each system template is intended to be used to help you customize the unique names of cloud resources. The intention is for multiple groups within your enterprise to be able to create uniquely-named cloud resources with the same templates by using the $customFunction.addOrganization.root function within mappedVariables sections of your system templates.

The organization field itself can receive its value using any of the following 3 syntax options:


Though you are welcome to use a string as the value in an organization field, your template can be more reusable if you pass the value of organization in from the config.yaml file using either $config or $config.variableName.

Top-Level tags Block Mapping

The top-level tags block in each system template is intended to be used to help you pass customized tags into cloud resources. These custom tags can enable your templates to be more reusable and for your underlying infrastructure to become more trackable.

Each of the fields in the tags block can receive its value using any of the following 3 syntax options:


Controller-Specific Field Mapping

Several of the controllers also allow fields with specific names to receive values mapped from config.yaml. These special mapping rules reflect the unique behavior of specific controllers.

A summary of the controllers that have special mapping rules is given in the following table.

Controller Variable Name Section Rules Allowed
terraform Any of the variables that are legal within a backendVariables section. backendVariables <String>, $keys, $keys.variableName
arm resourceGroupName, resourceGroupRegion. Also, the following 3 variables can either be in config.yaml or in keys.yaml depending on your preferences: subscriptionId, tenantId, clientId foundation, image, serviceInstance <String>, $config, $config.variableName, $keys, $keys.variableName
cloudformation stackName, region (region only in foundation) foundation, image, serviceInstance <String>, $config, $config.variableName

Note that the needs of other controllers can generally be handled within the mappedVariables sections of a template.

For custom controllers, we assume that you have the freedom to design your custom controllers in a way that would enable the mappedVariables sections to provide sufficient mapping of your variables.

Also, the tfbackendazrm controller requires the following things in order to work properly:

mappedVariables Section Mapping Rules

The most extensive variable mapping is allowed within mappedVariables blocks, which can be written to pull values from many locations within the same system template in addition to pulling external values from keys.yaml and config.yaml.

The following table summarizes the 22 types of syntax that you can use in each of the 4 mappedVariables blocks that are allowed in a system template.

Syntax foundation mappedVars images instance mappedVars serviceType sharedVars serviceType instance mappedVars
String Yes Yes Yes Yes
$keys Yes Yes Yes Yes
$keys.variableName Yes Yes Yes Yes
$this.foundaton Yes Yes Yes Yes
$ Yes Yes Yes Yes
$this.instance.variableName No Yes No Yes
$this.instance No Yes No Yes
$this.tags Yes Yes Yes Yes
$this.tags.variableName Yes Yes Yes Yes
$this.foundationMapped No Yes Yes Yes
$this.foundationMapped.variableName No Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.foundationOutput No Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.sys:.foundationOutput (Only cloudformation controller and ARM controller. Cloudformation controller supports this for acm version 1.3 or higher. ARM controller supports this for acm version 1.4 or higher.) No Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.foundstionOutput.variableName No Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.sys:.foundationOutput.variableName (Only cloudformation controller and ARM controller. Cloudformation controller supports this for acm version 1.3 or higher. ARM controller supports this for acm version 1.4 or higher.) No Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.addPath Yes Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.imageBuilderId No Yes (ARM only) No No
$customFunction.currentDateTime Yes Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.mostRecentImage.root No No Yes Yes
$customFunction.addOrganization.root Yes Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.addDateTime.root Yes Yes Yes Yes
$customFunction.imageTemplateName No Yes No No

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