Cross-Functional Architecture And Tools For Cloud-Based Operating Models
The links below explain how the Architecture of the Agile Cloud Manager fits into enterprise architecture and enterprise Agile. The articles below are intended for CIOs, CTOs, and Architectural Review Boards.
If this is your first visit to our site, we suggest that you read the articles in the order in which they are listed below.
Architecting the Agile Enterprise with the Agile Cloud Manager
Agile Data Lake House Architecture with the Agile Cloud Manager
AWS Data Lake House Architecture with the Agile Cloud Manager
Azure Data Lake House Architecture with the Agile Cloud Manager
Agile AI Platform Architecture with the Agile Cloud Manager
Architectural Migration and Governance
Quantifying The Financial Benefits
Multi-Application Deployments with the Agile Cloud Manager
Low-Level Design with the Agile Cloud Manager
Integrating the Agile Cloud Manager with Ansible, Chef, and Puppet
Operations with the Agile Cloud Manager
There are several example applications in the Marketplace that your engineers can use right away to seed your projects. The example applications are used in our CICD process for testing each new version of Agile Cloud Manager, so the Marketplace is the best place for your engineers to get examples that work right out of the box before your engineers begin making changes.
For more information, you can contact us