Agile Cloud Institute

Cross-Functional Architecture And Tools For Cloud-Based Operating Models

Pipeline Workflows Using CLI Commands

The Agile Cloud Manager is intended to be used in pipelines in a way that makes it easier for your pipelines to become very simple, governable, and auditable, with lower engineering costs. The intention is to enable the best minds in your organization to more clearly consider the designs of a smaller number of simpler Pipelines which each bake in best practices that are reused across all your Pipelines.

Design of pipelines begins by examining the operations that need to be performed on the units of business value that are represented by the appliances, systems, foundations, service types, and service instances that you model using our Domain Specific Language DSL.

Pipelines are composed of stages, which in turn are composed of workflows.

The Agile Cloud Manager’s CLI makes it easy to define workflows that perform powerful business operations using only a small number of commands.

This section will provide examples of several workflows that each perform specific operations, as follows:

Create Entire Appliance:

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm appliance on
acm setup off

Destroy Entire Appliance:

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm appliance off
acm setup off

Create Only One System

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm foundation on systemName=<name-of-system>
acm services on systemName=<name-of-system>
acm setup off

Destroy Only One System

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm services off systemName=<name-of-system>
acm foundation off systemName=<name-of-system>
acm setup off

Create Only One ServiceType In Only One System

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm foundation on systemName=<name-of-system>
acm serviceType on systemName=<name-of-system> serviceType=<name-of-type>
acm setup off

Destroy Only One ServiceType In Only One System

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm serviceType off systemName=<name-of-system> serviceType=<name-of-type>
acm setup off

Create Only One Instance Of Only One ServiceType In Only One System

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm foundation on systemName=<name-of-system>
acm serviceInstance on systemName=<name> serviceType=<name> serviceInstance=<name>
acm setup off

Destroy Only One Instance Of Only One ServiceType In Only One System

acm setup on sourceRepo=<url-of-repo-containing-appliance>
acm serviceInstance off systemName=<name> serviceType=<name> serviceInstance=<name>
acm setup off

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